Being a fan is hard work. It’s an investment of time, money, and energy. But this effort has never been recognized as a real job—until now.
In 2024, Budweiser hired two Professional Fans. A real job with a salary of R$20,000.00, plus benefits, and access to cover the biggest concerts happening in Brazil, including Bruno Mars, Lenny Kravitz, and Paul McCartney.
The recruitment process was as real as it gets. It began by attracting over 15,000 applicants, surpassing even some of AbInBev's own hiring efforts. Candidates were invited to a full HR interview day. It was pure madness, with thousands of fans attending—including an 80-year-old woman who saw the ad in the newspaper and proudly called herself an “Old School Fan.”
The position was advertised in newspaper classifieds, LinkedIn, job websites, and posters strategically placed near employment agencies, targeting fans looking for their next big opportunity. Translated headlines below.
Role: Creative/Copywriter/ACD
- No need to clock in. Just clap in.
- Meetings with 50,000 people. At least they’re outdoors.
- A badge to access shows and save your seat at lunch.
- Hey fan who sleeps in line, don’t sleep on this chance.
- The only zoom allowed is on the camera.
- Meetings that could never have been an email.
- Your schedule will be full. Of concerts.
- Your only KPI? Get as close to the stage as possible.
Clio Music Awards
2 Silver
El Ojo Iberoamerica
1 Gold
2 Silver
3 Bronze